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» Listings for 2009

  1. When people first become a driving instructor, it is very evident that, although this person has been driving for many years they have little or no comprehension of driving observations and as trainees progress with theor driving instructor training course, once they have passed part 2, they seem to lose them again for some reason.<BLOG_BREAK> It is vital that as you progress towards your adi part 3, you don't relax the standard of driving needed to get through your part 2.
      After all if you get pedestrian crossings, you need to see them an identify them from a much further distance than you normally do, this will give you chance to either fully guide the pupil or at very leat prompt them for info. You need to be able to spot the crossing, identify what type of crossing it is, (controlled/uncontrolled), pelican/puffin/toucan, and then be able to say what if any action needs to be taken an approach. But it really is scary the amount of trainee driving instructors who are unable to do this, and as a result you know they are not doing this with there pupils.

     Also of importance is to at least moderately get to know the general area where your part 3 test is being held, if you don't know an area, you face a real uphill battle to be able to fully guide and teach effectively, as you can be sure that you will put extra effort into looking ahead, rather than focusing on the pupil. This results many time in those on driving instructor training courses not even being able to tell me the speed limit of the road we are on, due simply to the fact they are unsure of the area and are having to deal with a hundred things at once.

  2. Part 3 Briefings.

    I really cannot stress enough, that when it comes to the briefing on a part 3 exam, there really is no need to get yourself worked up over how much you need to say.<BLOG_BREAK> So many students who are training to become a driving instructor, get really worried that the briefing only lasted 15 minutes!!!  We need to be looking at about 3-5 mins tops!!!
       Let me put it this way, if I wanted to explain to you how to re wire the internal circuit on a washing machine, and you had no technical knowledge at all, can you imagine how confusing it would be if i went into a 6 minute ramble about "taking the first red wire off the brown wire, then we are going to cross the green wire over the yellow wire, so that the blue wire UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES touches the internal diode reflector switch.
     Now at this point you will have forgotten what I first said and have no idea what the other 5 mins of ramble was on about! And its the same with your pupils and on your part 3.
              However if i gave you a brief summary of what we were about to do inside the washing machine and then talked you through it, wire by wire, you would fully understand and be able to learn and thats what becoming a driving instructor is all about Teaching People!
      So the briefing is kept brief because people only learn once they are doing it.

  3. One of the most daunting things people face when they want to become a driving instructor is the choice of who to use for their training. Their tends to be 2 sorts of choices available, firstly the major national companies whose adverts can be quite often seen on the the tv.
      The second is the guy who says he does driving instructor training and he will do it a lot cheaper than the rest. Now with both of these there tends to be problems.
       With the first group - the big national companies - they tend to have a slick presentation, knowing that you've already been impressed with their tv ad, or maybe it's just a well known name, so half of their selling point has been acheived.
     Before you sign up though why not go to your local test centre and wait around for a bit and talk to some of the driving instructors (especially those on pink licences) about who they are training with and what THEY think of there training. This way you get to hear first hand of the good and bad points of a particular company.
            Some of the things to listen out for is if they are doing training on a 2 to 1 basis or even 3 to 1. This means that there are 2 or even 3 trainees in the car with 1 teacher. The net result of having 2 to 1 means that your 40 hours training in effect become 20 hours!
     If you are doing 3 to 1 instructor training, you are getting 13 hours training for your money!