ADI Part 3 Levels of Instruction
The Three Tiers of Driving Instructor Training: A Comprehensive Guide
Welcome to Driver Training Ltd, In the realm of driving instruction, understanding the levels of instructional engagement is crucial for effective teaching and to pass the adi part 3 and adi standards check test
Here, we delve into the three main levels of instruction that are integral to developing competent driving instructors: Fully Guided or Commentary Driving, Prompted Instruction, and Independent Driving.
Fully Guided or Commentary Driving
At the core of initial driving lessons, especially for novices, is the Fully Guided or Commentary method.
This level of instruction is characterized by the instructor taking a very hands-on approach. Here, you as the instructor will narrate actions and decisions in real-time, guiding the pupil through every step of the driving process.
For example, you might say, "As we approach the intersection, check the rear-view mirror, then slow down, and finally, make a left turn when it's safe." This method not only teaches the mechanics of driving but also ingrains situational awareness and procedural memory.
Fully guided instruction is particularly beneficial early in the training process when students are less familiar with the vehicle and the rules of the road. It helps in building a strong foundation of driving skills and confidence.
Prompted Instruction
As students progress, they enter the Prompted stage of learning. This level of instruction is designed to bridge the gap between guided driving and independent driving. In this phase, instructors shift from telling students what to do to asking questions that prompt them to think and respond based on their acquired knowledge and understanding.
Questions like, "What should you be aware of when entering this type of road?" or "If a pedestrian is crossing who has priority?" help in identifying gaps in the student's knowledge and encouraging critical thinking and decision-making skills.
Prompted instruction fosters a deeper understanding of driving concepts and prepares students for real-world driving by allowing them to apply their knowledge independently while still under the watchful guidance of the instructor.

Independent Driving
The pinnacle of driving instruction is the Independent stage. This phase is crucial as it tests the pupil's ability to integrate and apply their learning. During independent driving, the instructor takes a step back, allowing the student to make decisions and handle situations on their own. The role of the instructor is to observe and only intervene when necessary to prevent mistakes or correct misjudgments.
Independent driving is essential for building confidence and preparing pupils for the reality of driving without an instructor. It helps students understand their strengths and areas needing improvement, providing real-time feedback on their readiness to drive solo.
Combining Levels
Combining Instructional Levels
In practice, most driving lessons are a blend of all three instructional levels. An experienced driving instructor will fluidly transition between these methods based on the student's progress and the complexities of the driving environment. For instance, a lesson might start with commentary driving in a busy urban area, shift to prompted instruction as the traffic lightens, and then move to independent driving on quieter streets.
This dynamic approach ensures that students are not only learning skills in a vacuum but are also applying them in varied contexts, enhancing their adaptability and judgement on the road.

Practice Makes Perfect
Mastering the levels of driving instruction not only ensures that students become proficient drivers but also cultivates a deep-seated understanding of road safety and etiquette.
For instructors, the ability to effectively transition between fully guided, prompted, and independent teaching methods is what will set them apart in their ability to deliver comprehensive, impactful, and responsive driving education.
Master The Levels Of Instruction
Aspiring driving instructors are encouraged to continuously hone their skills in all three instructional levels, ensuring they are equipped to handle any teaching scenario and cater to the diverse needs of their students.
This strategic approach to driver training guarantees the highest standards of driver education and road safety.