What is Client Centred Learning?
ADI Part 3 Client Centred Learning
ADI Part 3 What is client based learning?
The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) recommends using client-centred learning (CCL) for driving instructors because it is an effective approach to teaching and learning that centers around the needs and experiences of the learner. Here are the key reasons why the DVSA emphasizes client-based learning:
Learner-Centered Approach: CBL focuses on the individual needs, preferences, and learning styles of each learner. This approach helps tailor the instruction to be more relevant and effective for each student.
Why Do We Need Client Centred Learning?
When it comes to learning there are four generally four main styles which are summarized by VARK.
First is visual, seeing it, a picture, a briefing folder.
Second is Audio people like to hear it explained - Think of Audio books and Podcasts and how popular they are now.
Third is Reading or writing - The person wants to read about it to understand or wants to write their own notes.
K is kinesthetic - They just want to get on and do it, they want to learn by practicing it
What is a client centred approach?
A client-centred approach means you're thinking about their needs.
What suits them with regards to their way of learning and your way of teaching? And if you look on the ADI part three, the ADI standard check marking sheet, there is a section on that. Was the pupil's learning style basically matched to the instructor's teaching style?
So that's what client-centred learning is about. But then, how do we do it in practice? Well again, getting them involved in the process.

What Client Centred Learning Is NOT!!
Now this does not mean that on the second lesson, when they can't even drive in a straight line, saying to the pupil, what do you want to do? Oh, can we go and do motorways? Yeah, of course we can. No. One, it's illegal and two, it doesn't matter.
You're not at that point to do it. But what it means is, like for you, if you're going through the ADI part three, for instance, and you're doing the 40 hours training and you think, well, perhaps on the first lesson you did cockpit drill and controls. If someone then said to you, right, now you've got the basics of just explaining about the cockpit drill and controls, give me a full lesson now on meeting traffic and overtaking on a single carriageway road.
See it, Say it, But sort it out together
ADI PART 3 CLIENT CENTRED LEARNING - Identify the fault – Analyse it together – Together work out the remedy
The common example of this is you're about to turn right and the pupil cuts the centre white line, goes across on the wrong side of the road. Now, if you're not doing client-centred learning, you would say the fault there, Chris, is you cut the centre white line. You did what we call a right corner cut.
You need to come up level with the centre line and then turn. But was that their reason for doing it? This is where being client-centred comes in. So there, Chris, remember I asked you to stop and not turn because you were about to cut that centre white line? Oh, yeah.
Remember, again, if you can, draw a diagram. Use your briefing fold. Use your iPad.
Use your dash cam footage. But ask them, so there, Chris, we went to cut that white line. Can I ask why did you do that? Well, I saw the car coming the other way and I thought, I need to get across now.

Client Centred Learning
CLIENT CENTRED LEARNING – Find out the facts
A common one we do on the ADI part three training is what's the, when the trainee will say to me, what's the speed limit on this road, Chris? 30.
Good. Is that a lucky guess? How'd you know it's 30, Chris? It's cloudy. It's always 30 when it's cloudy.
So I've got the right answer, but I don't know the right answer. And I don't know the reasoning behind it. So this is what client centred means rather than you just say, this road is 30, Chris.
Okay, great. So I now know in future, this road is 30. If I remember it, if I know the area, but that's why very often with your pupils, you take them to another area, they'll go, but I've never been down here.
I don't know how to do it. I don't know how to do this roundabout. I've not been here before.
Client Centred Learning and Risk Management
And if the client is doing something they shouldn't, this brings you back to your risk management section, jump in, help them.
If we're coming down a slip road at 60 and there's a lorry at the side of us and he can't move over, you need to then jump in and go back to fully guided to stop any potential incident.
Was the instructor aware of the pupil's actions and surroundings? If you've got time coming down, which mirror should we be checking, Chris? Do we have anything there? Oh yeah.
What do we need to do? Slow down. Good choice. Well done.