ADI Part 3 Marking Sheet
ADI Part 3 Test Marking Sheet
ADI Part 3 Marking Sheet Explained
The top section of the ADI part 3 marking sheet, is what the examiner fills in.
It lists your name, the test centre where you are taking the ADI Part 3 test, your personal registration number with the DVSA.
LOG BOOK - This is whether you have the training sheets from YOUR trainer.
At the end of each training session, you should be given notes on what needs to be worked on or strengthened. It is these training records, your examiner will want to see.
Understanding the ADI Part 3 Marking Sheet
Understanding the ADI Part 3 marking sheet is one of the best ways to give yourself the best chance of passing the ADI Part 3 test
The ADI part 3 test is now in what we call Standards check format, this means is that you will need to take a pupil with you and conduct a real driving lesson with the senior examiner watching from the back.
No longer will you have to deal with the examiner carrying out the test with roleplay.
You will need to pick a subject which is suitable for your students needs, this means that your lesson must be well planned and pitched to the student at the correct level.
ADI Part 3 Guide
ADI Part 3 Learning Styles
ADI Part 3 Risk Management
ADI Part 3 Marking Sheet 1-4
TRAINER PRN - This is the personal registration number of your trainer - Your trainers DVSA number - This again is so the DVSA can keep a track of the standard of trainees that a trainer sends for the ADI Part 3
TRAINEE LICENCE - If you are on a trainee licence, then you will need the ADI 21T form to show that you have taken the minimum of 40 hours training, or if this is not the first attempt at the ADI Part 3, the form to show that you have taken extra training in between attempts.
ORDIT - Is your trainer ORDIT registered? - The DVSA only recognise ONE qualification for those it recommends as driving instructor trainers.
ORDIT Registration. - This stands for the Official Register of Driving Instructor Trainers these trainers have been assessed by the DVSA and found to offer the calibre of training for potential driving instructors that the DVSA requires. Having a city and guilds or being advanced driver creditted is not recognised as a sufficient standard by the DVSA only ORDIT registration.
Accompanied - This is not a requirement, but the DVSA does encourage all trainers to attend the ADI Part 3 with their trainees, to hear first hand any debrief, so that they can help the trainee progress further.
ADI Part 3 Marking Sheet Explained
ADI Part 3 Lesson Planning
The first section listed is lesson planning.
For a full breakdown of this please see the LESSON PLANNING Page
This relates to the lesson setup for the day of your adi part 3 test.
Was it suitable e.g Last lesson was moving off and stopping, todays lesson is joing dual carriageways at 60 mph
ADI PART 3 Marking Sheet - Risk Management
For a full breakdown of this section please see the RISK Management page
Risk management can be thought of, as, sharing the responsibility for safety.
Who is responsible for what? At the start for a new driver, most of it falls on the driving instructor, by the time the pupil is test ready, most of the responsibility should be with the learner.
ADI Part 3 Teaching and Learning Strategies
In the first 2 sections we looked firstly at what you were going to teach, Secondly if you had control of the safety of it and with this section
Teaching and learning strategies we look at HOW you taught during that session
For a full breakdown of this section please see the Teaching and Learning strategies page