How Do I Become A Driving Instructor?

The following information outlines the stages you have to complete to become a driving instructor.
You must:
- Have held a full UK driving licence for at least 3 years with no more than 6 penalty points
- Be at least 21 years old
In order to start your training to become a driving instructor you must meet the above criteria.
First of all you will need to have a criminal record check, you must apply for one even if you already hold one. There are two ways to do this.
ONLINE: You can apply online by clicking here
After completing your online application you must prove your identity. This can be done at a post office that offers the ‘CRB and ID verification service and will cost just £6.
You must provide 3 types of original forms of identification these could be:
- Your passport
- Your driving licence
- Bank statement not more than 3 months old
- Utility bill not more than 3 months old
Documents must be originals, copies will not be accepted. You must also bring out your printed application page with the barcodes on.
Postal Applications:
To apply by post you are required to fill out this form and a postal application form will be sent out to you within 5 working days.
DVSA Online CRB Team, GB Group, 1 Wilford Business Park, Ruddington Lane, Nottingham, NG11 7EP
The checking service via the post office for postal applications will be £8.50. Applications sent to the GBGroup, the cost will be £11.80
Once you have recieved your criminal checks, you can start your application process to become a drivnig instructor.
To apply you must have the following:
- Your driving licence number
- Any details of driving disqualifications, motoring or non motoring convictions
- Any information of court cases that have been brought against you.
To start your online application click here
Motoring Offences & Convictions
Any of the following may result in your application being refused by the ADI registrar:
- You have been banned from driving
- You have 6 or morepoints on your driving licence
- You have convictions for non motoring offences
Any of the reasons stated below would likely result in your application being declined:
- You have been convicted of a violent, sexual, finacial or drug related crime
- You have been banned from working with children
There are 3 parts to becoming an approved driving instructor
ADI Part 1
This part has two seperates tests for you to complete and you are required to pass them both. The fee for this is £81
The Theory part of the test is multiple choice which checks your knowledge. You will be asked 100 questions 25 in each of the following:
- Road procedure
- Traffic signs & signal, car control, pedestrians & mechanical knowledge
- Driving test test, disabilities and the law
- Publications & instructinal techniques
The second part of the test includes a hazard perception test which gives you 14 video clips, one of which will feature two hazards. There is a maximum pass mark of 75 available of which you would need 57 points to pass. There is no limit on the amount of attempts you take on this part. Local driving will supply all the relevant material along with online and telephone support from one of our ORDIT trainers. Once you have passed part one you will then have 2 years to qualify as an approved drivnig instructor. If it takes more than 2 years you will then have to start back at part 1 again.
ADI Part 2
The part 2 test takes around 1 hour and you are allowed three attempts with a fee of £111. The part 2 consists of the follow:
Eyesight test
You will read a number plate from a distance of 26.5 metres for new style numbers and 27.5 metres for the old style numbers. You must use glasses or contact lenses during the whole test if you need them to read a number plate.
Vehicle safety questions
During this part of the test you will be asked 5 vehicle saftey questions. This will consist of :
3 ‘Show Me’ questions
2 ‘Tell Me’ questions
You will need to ‘Show’ and ‘Tell’ the examiner according to the questions asked. You will receive a minor fault for each question you get wrong or a serious if you answer all five incorrectly.
Test of your driving ability
The test is very similar to the current learner driver test. Where possible you will drive in various road conditions, including Motorways, dual carriageways & different traffic conditions.
You will need to demonstrate the follow:
- expert handling of the controls
- correct road procedure
- able to anticipate what other road users are doing and take appropriate actions
- be able to judge distance, speed and timing
- consideration of the saftey and convenience of other road users
You may also be asked to carry out an emergency stop
Reversing excercises
The examiner will ask you to carry out 2 of the following exercises:
- parallel park at the side of the road
- drive into a parking bay and reverse out
- reverse into a parking bay and drive out
- pull up on the right-hand side of the road, reverse for around 2 car lengths and then join the traffic
Independent driving
You will be asked to drive for around 20 minutes by either following directions from from a sat nav or road signs. The examiner will tell you where to go
On occasions you may find that the examiners supervisor will be present on the test aswell.They will not be watching you but watching and assessing the examiners performance.
Part 3
Once you have successfully passed part 1 and 2 you will then be able to apply for yur part 3 test.. You are allowed 3 attempts and currently costs £111
You must take a learner driver or full licence holder.
You will be marked on 17 areas of competence that are grouped into 3 categories:
- lesson planning
- risk management
- teaching and learning strategies
The 17 areas of competence are listed in the ADI part 3 test report form which the examiner will fill out at the end of your test.
You’ll get a score from 0 to 3 for each of the 17 competencies, which are added up to work out if you have passed the part 3 test and which grade you have achived
Once you have successfully passed all three tests you can apply for yourADI(Approved driving instructor) Badge . The cost of the badge is £300 and will need to be paid by debit or credit card. The online service for this is open 6am-11-30pm. Click here to apply.
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